Our King
Introducing our leading man...
Registered Name: A Deo Re Roman of Matjka
Birthday: July 25, 2019
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Weight: 7.6 lbs
Nickname: Roe Roe, Roma Tomato
Best Features: A true Sighthound in feline form. Strength of heart and wildly engaging. Connective soul. Long, slender, and racey type. Double arced profile and roman nosed. Egg shaped head with a delicate curvy outline. Eyes are large and slanting slightly upwards. His eyes are clear as canary diamonds and even in hue. Ears are large and appropriate in height. Balancing his head – not overpowering. Well-chiseled cheek bones accenting the extreme look he poses. Body is medium in size and athletic in build. Well-knit shoulders. Legs are long and slender. Thighs carry nice muscle tone.
Fun Fact: Roma is the ideal romantic. We couldn’t be blessed with a better male for our cattery. He offers balance to our females. Roma exhibits masculine breed type and yet doesn’t overpower any of the girls genetically. Their types are blending so beautifully with breedings resulting in consistent litters with even and loving temperaments.